Mental health/Behavioral Center. Group ideas?

Question by burnettebreeze98: Mental health/Behavioral Center. Group ideas?
I am trying to find some ideas for “group.” I work at a Residential Behavioral Center for youth. I was hired as a member of the Behavioral Support Staff in the on campus school. My students range in ages from 9-15. They are behavioral because of their mental status. Many of these children were abused in one way or another and are classified as the ‘sad’ kids. The school is a Theraputic environment. These kids are behind in many levels and this is partly why they range so much in age but are all taught the same cirruculum. I am responsible to run ‘group’ every day for one hour and need some ideas. Please help. I only have 10 students right now. The last group I ran was called “The Giving Chair.” The child sits in a chair in front of the class and holds a wrapped gift, instead of giving an actual gift, the child gives each of his peers a compliment. The last child to receive a compliment is the next one to sit in the chair and hold the “gift.” This was a good self esteem exercise and the kids seemed to enjoy it. If you have any ideas for further groups please share your ideas with me. All serious answers would be greatly appreciated. I tried checking some mental health sites but they all wanted money. Please be creative but not complicated ~ remember these children are Mental health.

Best answer:

Answer by tardis_mom
How about a group on
– anger management
– stress management
– communication
– expressing emotion
– dealing with failure/rejection
Hope that helped.

Answer by Gogogadgetbrain
i work in an adolescent residential drug treatment facility and the theraspists usually conduct group and experientail ectivities, but we do other things in the day room of each side ( male and female ) such as a God box; a decorated, sealed box with a slot in it to put things they can’t talk about or are struggling with. It helps them build trust in God. Personally i give out positive reinforcement affirmations that the kids are to stand and read while looking in a mirror so they can possibly see something god about them, such as a smile, or their clear eyes, etc.Plus i tell them every day that they are loved no matter what they think, and that it can get better for them.

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